2019-2020 YÖS-SAT-TÖMER February Groups Will Start
Our YÖS groups will start on February 3, 2020 and end on May 3, 2020. Our SAT groups will start ...
Our YÖS groups will start on February 3, 2020 and end on May 3, 2020. Our SAT groups will start ...
Our branch will provide service in the fields of YÖS, SAT exam preparation, and Turkish for Foreigners (TÖMER) for foreigners ...
Our early registration period for the 2019-2020 academic year has started, do not be late to take advantage of the ...
Address: Mebusevleri Neighborhood, İller Str. No: 4 Çankaya-Ankara/Turkey
Tel: 444 88 95
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