ÖSYM TR-YÖS 2024/2 exam question booklet and 10% of the answer key are now available.
To access the questions;https://www.osym.gov.tr/TR,32790/2024-tr-yos2-temel-soru-kitapcigi-ile-cevap-anahtarinin-10u-yayimlandi-27102024.html
ÖSYM TR-YÖS 2024/2 exam question booklet and 10% of the answer key are now available.
To access the questions;https://www.osym.gov.tr/TR,32790/2024-tr-yos2-temel-soru-kitapcigi-ile-cevap-anahtarinin-10u-yayimlandi-27102024.html
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