30 May 2020 / Ankara
- “In order to prepare the Turkish Higher Education system for the future; In addition, some new and innovative decisions to keep our universities ready for this global change, this new and difficult period, and to put higher education into international competition, and not to lose the distance we have covered on the road to internationalization, especially the extraordinary increase in the number of foreign students have been received by us.”
- “The decisions we announced today include important regulations for Turkish students` studying abroad and foreign students to come to our country during the global epidemic. Next week we plan to share our decisions and arrangements regarding distance education with the public. “
The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) has made a number of important decisions for students who study abroad, but cannot return to their university due to the Covid-19 global epidemic or do not want to return to their university due to the risks related to the epidemic in the country where they study. students studying the epidemic after their studies on the report they want to continue in Turkey, these students because they are the Republic of Turkey citizens, taking into account the global epidemic health concern, especially during the new regulations yaptı.b made in the scope of “student-centered” outline of arrangements were announced. These regulations will only be reserved for the 2020-2021 Education and Training year fall term undergraduate transfer procedures due to the Covid-19 Global Outbreak.
– International transfer contingents were increased, restrictions were lifted
Except for the “Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Law, Teaching, Engineering and Architecture” programs, which are required to rank success in higher education, the 50% restriction on the international transfer contingents of higher education programs was removed, and these programs were allowed to allocate foreign contingents as much as the domestic transfer contingent.
– An additional opportunity for those studying at universities in the first thousand
A new opportunity was also given to students studying at universities that ranked in the first thousand in the university rankings. The quota restriction for undergraduate transfer abroad for the “Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Law, Teaching, Engineering and Architecture” programs with a success ranking condition, It will not be valid for students in their programs. Therefore, a new window of opportunity is opened for Turkish students studying at universities in the top 1000 to receive education and training in our country. This arrangement leading to superior universities abroad and pave the way for the successful students gain reading of universities in Turkey in again.
– The possibility of a transfer to any of the outdoor education program in Turkey
Again, the record will be paid next year, ÖSYS / WGS points or students who wish to have the equivalent documents, if they meet the conditions, will be able to transfer applications to any of the outdoor education program in Turkey. In this case, the relevant universities will adapt these students to the program.
– Lateral transfers can be made to all classes
Due to the Global Outbreak “related to only the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year”, students will be able to apply for transfer to all grades, including the first year and senior year. In this way, all students studying abroad will be able to be included in the Turkish higher education system under certain conditions, regardless of the grade they study.
As it is known, according to the maritime legislation, lateral transfer cannot be made to the first and last classes. Therefore, in this regulation, a wide range of possibilities is provided for the global epidemic period.
Considering the Covid-19 Global Outbreak, in summary, regarding the lateral transfer issues to universities in our country, only “for the fall term of the 2020-2021 Academic Year”:
- The quotas for transfer to universities in our country have been increased,
- New opportunities were offered for those who request undergraduate transfer from universities in the first 1000,
- The opportunity to apply for undergraduate transfer to the first and last year is also provided,
- The way has been opened for students who meet the conditions and wish to transfer to open education programs.
– Options will be decided by evaluating “program-specific and student-centered”
Due to the Global New Coronavirus Outbreak, YÖK has made some facilitating decisions for students enrolled in associate and undergraduate programs that our higher education institutions conduct jointly with higher education institutions abroad, and those who need to study at universities abroad in the 2020-2021 academic year.
In accordance with the decision taken for students who do not want to go abroad among the “students who study in joint programs” opened by our universities with higher education institutions abroad due to the epidemic, higher education institutions regarding these students;
– Being able to take courses from a higher education institution abroad with digital facilities and distance education,
– Two of the students of higher education institutions may deem appropriate in Turkey to receive education they are enrolled in higher education institutions,
– It is considered by universities abroad courses they receive from higher education institutions in Turkey,
– Changing the semesters that they need to study abroad,
– Upon the request of the students, they can exit the joint program and transfer to the equivalent program in the higher education institution they are registered in will be able to decide on one of the options by evaluating the program specific and student-centered.
– It will be ensured that our country continues to be a center of attraction for foreign students
The amount of foreign / international students, which was 48 thousand five years ago, has reached 180 thousand with an extraordinary increase within the scope of the “Target Oriented Internationalization Project” initiated by the New YÖK in recent years.
YÖK has made new arrangements “only for this year” to ensure that this success is not lost after the epidemic and that our country continues to be a center of attraction for foreign students.
– New rights for late graduation status were granted
Due to the postponement of high school graduation exams in many countries due to the epidemic, late graduation and the measures taken due to the epidemic, international student candidates who want to study in our country have been given some new opportunities “for the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year”. According to this;
– Candidates will be able to pre-register, and the application and registration process will be extended until December 15, 2020, and late registration will be made.
– Accelerated remedial training will be given to those who register after starting education and training.
– Late enrollment students will be able to start their education in the spring semester by freezing their registration in the fall semester.
– Students who enrolled at the beginning of the education and training period, but cannot come due to the measures taken in our country or their own countries, will be able to provide distance education with digital opportunities in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year until these measures are lifted.
It was also possible for international students to enroll in graduate programs other than clinical fields with the “School Recognition Certificate”, which can be obtained in one day from YÖK.
With these regulations, our universities will be encouraged to enroll students from abroad during the global epidemic process, the situation of being a center of attraction for our higher education region will continue and our universities will be able to enter international competition.
– Higher Education Virtual Fairs Will Be Held
The Council of Higher Education has taken action to reduce the negative effects of its mobility restricted during the global epidemic and to ensure that Turkish higher education can be promoted abroad in digital environments.
In this context, preparations for “Higher Education Virtual Fairs” have been started.
Universities will cooperate with other relevant public institutions for the virtual fairs that will be held in digital environments for the promotion of all higher education institutions in our country to foreign students on international platforms.
In this context, universities will present their faculties, programs and all the opportunities they offer to students, simultaneously allowing foreign students to be in direct contact with their authorities.
Click on the link to reach the YÖK page.